The Pilgrim´s hostel network,is the representation of the Jacobean tradition,
any pilgrim that carries the Credential can sleep in them for free.
. The only thing we can offer to you, is a place to rest, water for your thirst and personal washing. We only ask for a donative from the Pilgrim, with which we can afford the cost of maintaining open and diccently accomodatted the hostels ( Places for rest, cleaning, electriciti etc. ) of our network. The donative the pilgrim of today leaves in our hostels helps the pilgrim of tomorrow, how may by will be you again. ”The pilgrim does not make demands, but it gives thanks for the efforts.”.
In the North way of the ” Camino de Santaigo “, throught its passes Bizkaia, the convents and churches were responsible for attending this pìlgrims who were walking their way to ” Santiago de Compostela “.
On the year 2004, from the hand of Carlos Erazo, a lot of hostels were created in Vizcay with volunteers.
The first hostel on creating was on PORTUGALETE, located on the school of ” Casilda Iturriza “. Also on the same year, another one was opened in LEZAMA located on the village Cural center.
In the 2005 year, another one was opnened in POBEÑA, this was an ancient building that the town mayor gave permision to fishermens to keep their boats, now it has been reconverted into a hostel. On the year 2006, another one was opnened in MARKINA, located on the convent of ” Los Padres Carmelitas “; and also another one in BILBAO, located on the schools of Basurto. On the year 2009, another one was opened in GERNIKA, located on the schools of ” Allende Salazar “. We do not want to finish this little resume, without giving thanks to Carlos Erazo with all of our hearts, which without help, hope and ilusion we will never get to met.
Thanks Carlos, for being our friend, teacher and our inspiration.